NEW!!! We have the electronic copy of the book “Leftwich – Turner Families of VA” available for viewing or download in the “Members-Only” section.
Next Reunion: 2024 Reunion will be in Independence, MO on the weekend of October 19, 2024. Details can be found at Registration Forms 2024. Hotel and LHA reservation instructions are included.
Note that a link for Hotel reservation with the LHA rate for only the reunion weekend can be made at,WW,HILTONLINK,en,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT
Leftwich Historical Association (LHA) was organized on October 10, 1992, in Lynchburg, Virginia, with 16 charter members. The Association was established as a non-profit organization devoted to assembling and preserving genealogical and historical information pertaining to the Leftwich family. LHA was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia on November 3, 2000. *
LHA annually publishes The Leftwich Heritage, a newsletter dealing with new genealogical finds and family interests. An annual family reunion for all members is also sponsored by the Leftwich Historical Association.
For more information about membership please visit us under “JOIN.”
The LHA Website is being redesigned after a number of years. It’s meant to help members gain access to information about the family as well as the group.
Please feel free to ask questions through the Contact Us link, and it will be directed to the appropriate active member.
* Special thanks to Charter Members: Eloise Beckstrom, Ralph L. Coleman, Josie L.. Estevens, Shirley Leftwich Greer, Sally Leftwich Kneifel, Albert Leftwich, Douglas A. Leftwich, William G. Leftwich, Alma Mathis, Rose Neville, Nancy Parker, Lillian Leftwich Piland, Gladys L. Poffenerger, Hamilton L. Robinson, Sandra Neville Shell, Curtis Thackston, and Lois Wilson.
Leftwich Mt Airy Cemetery Marker
Dear Leftwich Cousins,
Many of you will recall the 2017 LHA Reunion at Lynchburg, VA, during which we conducted an academic-led excavation of the Leftwich Mt Airy Cemetery to determine the location of our Leftwich ancestors and their families in this cemetery. Two of the graves were still marked but several others were located and mapped. From records, we know of several Leftwich ancestor that are buried there. After completion of the survey and mapping, the excavation was returned to its natural state.
Now we want to take the next step and erect markers at this cemetery to identify it as a Leftwich Cemetery and to mark the identified graves. At my request, Howard Thurmon worked with a grave marker company to design and price the desired markers. A large granite marker would be erected to identify the known grave locations and to list those known to be buried there. Small individual markers would be placed to identify the unidentified graves. The large maker would look something like this:

Per Howard, “The slanted face main part was 2’-10” wide by 1’ thick at base by 1’-6” high.
The base for the slanted portion was 3’-4” wide by 1’-4” thick by 8” high.
The 7 grave markers were 12” by 6” by 4”. The costs of the Mt. Airy Memorial were $3196.90 for the marker with the 2” higher base that was modified to accommodate the Society of the War of 1812 in Virginia bronze star and the 7 grave shaft markers, each being 12” X 6” X 4” at $737.10 for a total of $3934.00.”
At our just completed Reunion at Valley Forge, the attendees unanimously approved proceeding with this project. As you can see, the current estimated cost is approximately $4,000. We have some funds remaining from the erection of monuments in England but we are currently short about $1,200. As we have done before, I am trusting that the LHA membership will step forward and contribute funds to complete this project. If you want to participate in the funding of this project, please send your contribution to Nancy Jay, LHA Treasurer, 4305 Hyridge Drive, Austin, Texas 78759-8053, or by using our PayPal link at soon as possible.
Every time we have asked for funds to document and mark our legacy, our members have always stepped up and exceeded our needs. I trust you will do so once again.
Thank you for your continued support of the Leftwich Historical Association.
Blessings to all,
Bill Leftwich, LHA President